Sunday, May 1, 2011

New Year's Resolution: Checking In

Mode of distraction: Body dysmorphia.
Distracting me from: Tending to my sunburned foot.

My New Year's resolution for the past five years or so has been the same vague, tired, cliche wish: to get in shape. I have a naturally fast metabolism and difficulty putting on any real weight, which garners me no sympathy...and no substantial muscle mass. Thus, getting into optimal shape has yet to really take place.

Also, I hate working out.

But this year, I have been faithfully going to the gym since the beginning of February and am actually getting to the point where I can see improvement. This presents a predicament: I had sort of assumed I had the sort of DNA that simply wouldn't allow this to happen, no matter what I did. There. Absolved of responsibility.

While I'm hardly busting out of my XS t-shirts, things are improving, so...fuck. I guess it just means I need to really work at it. How ugly. My goal this time, however, is more focused: I want to look like this by the time I turn in my thesis this coming August:

Guffaw. The reality is that I'll fall short of this, but it seems within physical pursue nonetheless. I'm just gonna go ahead and ignore who this is, but which of you queens don't need the face to know the name? Also, since I've neglected the blog for so long, I knew I had to lure in all my lost readers (all 13 of you!) with a bit o' flesh. Sort of like a desperate TV show that has jumped the shark in its first season.

In other far more important news, Adrienne returned to San Francisco for a visit this week! It was a pretty glorious weekend in general (hence the sunburn), but I'll save that post for later this week. Gotta get back into the habit of doing this and making those distractions count for something moderately productive.

Off to either take advantage of the sun or take advantage of a napping boyfriend and get some thesis work done.

Or, likely, more distractions...


  1. "Take advantage of a napping boyfriend?"


    <3 :)

  2. Eassssyy. It's my bf, Zac! Hope your foot feels better!

  3. I thought you already looked like that?

  4. Totally there with you. But you might be glad to hear that I thought you looked a little bulkier at Alex's BDay bash. Now I know why :-D

  5. This has been my resolution, too. So I started running--which shall bestow me some nice legs. (But what to do about arms?)
