Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Faux Freedom

Mode of distraction: Buying new and new-to-me music.
Distracting me from: Thesis writing. 

Classes. Are. Over. It was worthy, is worthy, and will continue to be worthy of a true "Raise Your Glass" moment:

The post-final class drinks at the reliable (take as you will) Hobson's was a necessary way to end the semester. After a last class that actually ran five minutes over (I mean, WTF), I met with Karen and Alex and ranted and (practically) ran to the bar. Fairly certain I took a shot before I even said hi to anyone. After I had chased it with a few sips of a vodka tonic, I felt human and ready to socialize. It's been said in countless status updates and slurred side-hugs, but I do thank everyone (you know who you are) involved in that program who made it a really special and helpful experience. And for those of you who didn't...thanks for the stories (not the ones you wrote, necessarily, but the ones you provided nonetheless).

The celebration couldn't last long, however, with my looming thesis deadline: a fully revised first half of my thesis due to Max on May 23. I figured this would be about 150 pages, as I see my thesis wrapping up at around 300 (currently around the 250 range), but it is now 6:30-something on May 18 and I'm at page 102. And I know I need to edit. So, methinks I've got another chapter.5 in me and then it'll be time to press print and just hope I've been overestimating the length of my story. This could all just be my body providing me with a built-in excuse because I'm so fucking tired from my continual work-gym-library combo I've been rocking these last few days.

I did pause in productivity to partake in my first-ever Bay to Breakers! Our group was "You Are What You Drink," and I selected the delectable mimosa to represent myself. Feast your eyes on my costume-making prowess, which--coupled with my beloved Tokyo Tea--garnered praise throughout the day:

It was a fun day--maybe eight degrees too cold, and I could have done without a slew of straight boys turning my apartment to a bigger mess than our housewarming party did in about half the time, but what are you gonna do? Why, bitch about it on your blog, of course! Oh, and boys--I know dick aiming becomes only more taxing while intoxicated, but seriously--the amount of piss on my toilet seat caused Hobson's flashbacks. Gain control or sit down until you can piss like a lady.


Anyway, off to write...because school ain't over yet.

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